Modern wireless and mobile solutions are frequently referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The development of cloud-based systems and technological advancements give rise to the concept of a networked, Internet-based, distributed processing site-based world. This paper explains the dew environment analysis and monitoring to ensure sustainability. This approach also discusses sustainable IoT solutions and provides an overview of the dew server’s organizational and operational structure. We outline the objectives, specifications, and performance of dew servers, another computational layer in the cloud-based architecture for Sustainable IoT solutions. The dew servers are examined rigorously from an operational and performance perspective as systems that, in addition to communicating with higher-level cloud servers, gather, process, and offload streaming data from IoT sensors and devices.
@incollection{Karmakar2024,author={Karmakar, Amiya and Ghosh, Pritam and Hirsch, Mat{\'i}as and Banerjee, Partha Sarathi and De, Debashis and Mateos, Cristian and Zunino, Alejandro},editor={De, Debashis and Roy, Samarjit},title={DewMonitor: Dew Computing Monitoring System for Sustainable IoT},booktitle={Dew Computing: The Sustainable IoT Perspectives},year={2023},publisher={Springer Nature Singapore},address={Singapore},pages={61--78},isbn={978-981-99-4590-0},doi={10.1007/978-981-99-4590-0_3},url={}}
Speeding up Smartphone-Based Dew Computing: In Vivo Experiments Setup Via an Evolutionary Algorithm
Dew computing aims to minimize the dependency on remote clouds by exploiting nearby nodes for solving non-trivial computational tasks, e.g., AI inferences. Nowadays, smartphones are good candidates for computing nodes; hence, smartphone clusters have been proposed to accomplish this task and load balancing is frequently a subject of research. Using the same real—i.e., in vivo—testbeds to evaluate different load balancing strategies based on energy utilization is challenging and time consuming. In principle, test repetition requires a platform to control battery charging periods between repetitions. Our Motrol hard-soft device has such a capability; however, it lacks a mechanism to assure and reduce the time in which all smartphone batteries reach the level required by the next test. We propose an evolutionary algorithm to execute smartphone battery (dis)charging plans to minimize test preparation time. Charging plans proposed by the algorithm include charging at different speeds, which is achieved by charging at maximum speed while exercising energy hungry components (the CPU and screen). To evaluate the algorithm, we use various charging/discharging battery traces of real smartphones and we compare the time-taken for our method to collectively prepare a set of smartphones versus that of individually (dis)charging all smartphones at maximum speed.
@article{s23031388,author={Yannibelli, Virginia and Hirsch, Matías and Toloza, Juan and Majchrzak, Tim A. and Zunino, Alejandro and Mateos, Cristian},title={Speeding up Smartphone-Based Dew Computing: In Vivo Experiments Setup Via an Evolutionary Algorithm},journal={Sensors},volume={23},year={2023},number={3},article-number={1388},url={},pubmedid={36772439},issn={1424-8220},doi={10.3390/s23031388}}
A Simulation Scheduling Module to Improve User Experience in the Simugan Beef-Cattle Farm Simulator
Mauricio Arroqui, Juan Francisco Ferreira, Maximiliano Omar Roselli, Juan Rodriguez Alvarez, Claudio Fabian Machado, Cristian Mateos, and Alejandro Zunino
At the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the National University of Central Buenos Aires a client-server Beef-Cattle Farm simulator called Simugan has been developed. Simugan allows users to experiment over a virtual farm in a simple and low cost way compared with real farm conditions. Users can submit single simulation scenarios or multiple simulation scenarios packaged in an experimentation, where each scenario is a complete farm configuration. This is a key feature important in farm research, but with the drawback that some users might experiment long wait times for simulation results because of the amount of simulations the underlying hardware architecture has to process. Consequently, an heuristic scheduler module was added to Simugan producing a more equitative use of computer resources and an improvement of 41% in users flow time, a popular metric to quantify how much time user simulations spend in the back end and hence a way of measuring deviations in users waiting times.
@article{9662185,author={Arroqui, Mauricio and Ferreira, Juan Francisco and Roselli, Maximiliano Omar and Alvarez, Juan Rodriguez and Machado, Claudio Fabian and Mateos, Cristian and Zunino, Alejandro},journal={IEEE Latin America Transactions},title={A Simulation Scheduling Module to Improve User Experience in the Simugan Beef-Cattle Farm Simulator},year={2022},volume={20},number={1},pages={162-170},doi={10.1109/TLA.2022.9662185}}
LiveDewStream: A stream processing platform for running in-lab distributed deep learning inferences on smartphone clusters at the edge
Dew computing, an evolution of Fog computing, aims at fulfilling computing needs, such as deep learning applied to object classification, close to where data is originated and using computing resources that include consumer electronic devices such as smartphones. Simulation tools like DewSim aid the study of resource allocation mechanisms for exploiting clusters of smartphones, however, there is a gap w.r.t software tools that allow to perform similar studies over real Dew computing testbeds. We have developed LiveDewStream, an open source project to model executable tasks derived from data streams to be run on real smartphone clusters. The project offers a key functionality missing in other tools: reproducibility of battery-driven Dew experiments. Our major contribution is to provide the community a common in vivo platform to study best-performing allocation mechanisms under different stream processing scenarios and/or deep learning inference models.
@article{Mateos2022:liveDewStream,author={Mateos, C. and Hirsch, M. and Toloza, J. and Zunino, A.},title={LiveDewStream: A stream processing platform for running in-lab distributed deep learning inferences on smartphone clusters at the edge},journal={SoftwareX},year={2022},volume={},number={},doi={10.1016/j.softx.2022.101268}}
Motrol: A hardware-software device for batch benchmarking and profiling of in-lab mobile device clusters
Motrol is a simple device that satisfies functional requirements necessary for the automatic execution of battery-driven tests and profiling of connected mobile devices. It is specifically a hardware/software platform that allows Dew Computing researchers and developers to automate performance tests on Android-based smartphones. The hardware is based on a NodeMCU Esp8266 microcontroller that runs a firmware for managing the outputs. This software allows enabling/disabling the relays that connect the sockets that power the chargers of up to 4 mobile devices minimizing the need for human intervention. The firmware runs a web server that serves Rest requests from a Rest client with the commands to drive the digital outputs. These digital outputs activate or deactivate the relays to allow current to pass or not to the sockets. Such capability is essential to automate the study of battery behavior on battery-driven devices such as smartphones. Motrol is easy to assemble, knowledge in electronics or programming languages is not necessary, it is constructed with open hardware, and it is cheap, being its total cost ∼USD 30
@article{Toloza2022:motrol,author={Toloza, J. and Hirsch, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={Motrol: A hardware-software device for batch benchmarking and profiling of in-lab mobile device clusters},journal={HardwareX},year={2022},volume={},number={},doi={10.1016/j.ohx.2022.e00340}}
Comparacion de la Calidad de Vida en la Argentina en Escala Censal y Departamental a Partir del Diseño de una Aplicacion Web
La geografía permite realizar un estudio empírico de la calidad de vida a partir de la elaboración de índices con su correspondiente representación cartográfica, apoyándose principalmente en Sistemas de Información Geográfica. En este marco, el trabajo propone dos objetivos principales: poner a disposición mapas en línea de un índice de calidad de vida desagregado a la mayor escala espacial disponible (radio censal) en formatos Web y Móvil, desde un enfoque interdisciplinario, y posteriormente realizar una resume el análisis espacial del índice y muestra su diferencia con el mismo índice aplicado a nivel departamental, destacando la importancia del Problema de Unidad Modificable en la interpretación de los resultados.
@article{celemin2021:icv,author={Celemin, Juan and Velázquez, Guillermo and Zunino, Alejandro and Mateos, Cristian and Hirsch, Matias and Rodríguez, Juan Manuel},title={Comparacion de la Calidad de Vida en la Argentina en Escala Censal y Departamental a Partir del Diseño de una Aplicacion Web},journal={Para Onde!?},volume={15},number={1},year={2021},keywords={Calidad de vida; Aplicación Web; Índice; Problema de la Unidad Espacial Modificable},issn={1982-0003},pages={135--151},doi={10.22456/1982-0003.116466},url={}}
A Simulation Scheduling Module to Improve User Experience in the Simugan Beef-Cattle Farm Simulator
Mauricio Arroqui, Juan Francisco Ferreira, Maximiliano Omar Roselli, Juan Rodriguez Alvarez, Claudio Fabian Machado, Cristian Mateos, and Alejandro Zunino
At the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the National University of Central Buenos Aires a client-server Beef-Cattle Farm simulator called Simugan has been developed. Simugan allows users to experiment over a virtual farm in a simple and low cost way compared with real farm conditions. Users can submit single simulation scenarios or multiple simulation scenarios packaged in an experimentation, where each scenario is a complete farm configuration. This is a key feature important in farm research, but with the drawback that some users might experiment long wait times for simulation results because of the amount of simulations the underlying hardware architecture has to process. Consequently, an heuristic scheduler module was added to Simugan producing a more equitative use of computer resources and an improvement of 41 % in users flow time, a popular metric to quantify how much time user simulations spend in the back end and hence a way of measuring deviations in user’s waiting times
@article{Arroqui2021:simugan,title={A Simulation Scheduling Module to Improve User Experience in the Simugan Beef-Cattle Farm Simulator},volume={100},url={},number={XXX},journal={IEEE Latin America Transactions},author={Arroqui, Mauricio and Ferreira, Juan Francisco and Roselli, Maximiliano Omar and Alvarez, Juan Rodriguez and Machado, Claudio Fabian and Mateos, Cristian and Zunino, Alejandro},year={2021},month=sep}
A Task Execution Scheme for Dew Computing with State-of-the-Art Smartphones
The computing resources of today’s smartphones are underutilized most of the time. Using these resources could be highly beneficial in edge computing and fog computing contexts, for example, to support urban services for citizens. However, new challenges, especially regarding job scheduling, arise. Smartphones may form ad hoc networks, but individual devices highly differ in computational capabilities and (tolerable) energy usage. We take into account these particularities to validate a task execution scheme that relies on the computing power that clusters of mobile devices could provide. In this paper, we expand the study of several practical heuristics for job scheduling including execution scenarios with state-of-the-art smartphones. With the results of new simulated scenarios, we confirm previous findings and better comprehend the baseline approaches already proposed for the problem. This study also sheds some light on the capabilities of small-sized clusters comprising mid-range and low-end smartphones when the objective is to achieve real-time stream processing using Tensorflow object recognition models as edge jobs. Ultimately, we strive for industry applications to improve task scheduling for dew computing contexts. Heuristics such as ours plus supporting dew middleware could improve citizen participation by allowing a much wider use of dew computing resources, especially in urban contexts in order to help build smart cities
@article{Hirsch2021:dew,title={A Task Execution Scheme for Dew Computing with State-of-the-Art Smartphones},journal={Electronics},author={Hirsch, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Majchrzak, T. and Grønli, T-M and Kaindl, H.},volume={10},number={16},year={2021},issn={2079-9292},doi={},url={},keywords={dew computing; edge computing; smartphone; job scheduling; scheduling heuristics}}
A platform for automating battery-driven batch benchmarking and profiling of Android-based mobile devices
In-laboratory mobile device data gathering is useful to support fields of study that rely on data derived from mobile devices as elementary research input. Particularly, Dew Computing, a sub-area of mobile distributed computing, aims at scavenging idle computing resources from mobile devices at the edge. To produce repeatable experiments for developed Dew approaches, simulation of relevant mobile device aspects is an acceptable practice, being battery behavior one of such aspects. Our recently-proposed DewSim simulation toolkit uses a trace-based approach to model battery behavior realistically. However, to generically characterize the impact of different device components – e.g., CPU at different usages – on battery behavior, it is necessary to easily capture battery traces, and run benchmarks to quantify computing capabilities. Considering that traces are captured during long charging or discharging cycles, such data gathering duty is tedious and time-consuming and no tool has been proposed yet to automate it. To fill this gap, we propose a platform that leverages common IoT hardware to control battery state of devices subject to pre-configured profiling/benchmarking plans. The platform has a server-side component to manage benchmark/profiling executions using one out of two possible operation modes (exclusive or shared), and an extensible Android application that implements the benchmark and profiling logic to be run on devices. We conclude that the operation modes represent a clear trade-off between benchmark/profile execution time and IoT hardware cost. From validation experiments, we also conclude that using our platform to run a benchmark does not introduce a considerable performance and energy footprint compared to running the same benchmark as a plain Android application.
@article{Hirsch2021:sim,title={A platform for automating battery-driven batch benchmarking and profiling of Android-based mobile devices},journal={Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory},volume={109},pages={102266},year={2021},issn={1569-190X},doi={},url={},author={Hirsch, Matías and Mateos, Cristian and Zunino, Alejandro and Toloza, Juan},keywords={Mobile devices, Benchmarking, Profiling, Battery traces, DewSim, Dew Computing, Android}}
New Heuristics for Scheduling and Distributing Jobs under Hybrid Dew Computing Environments
P. Sanabria, T.F. Tapia, A. Neyem, J.I. Benedetto, M. Hirsch, C. Mateos, and A. Zunino
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Sep 2021
Mobile grid computing has been a popular topic for researchers due to mobile and IoT devices’ ubiquity and their evergrowing processing potential. While many scheduling algorithms for harnessing these resources exist in the literature for standard grid computing scenarios, surprisingly, there is little insight into this matter in the context of hybrid-powered computing resources, typically found in Dew and Edge computing environments. This paper proposes new algorithms aware of devices’ power source for scheduling tasks in hybrid environments, i.e., where the battery- and non-battery-powered devices cooperate. We simulated hybrid Dew/Edge environments by extending DewSim, a simulator that models battery-driven devices’ battery behavior using battery traces profiled from real mobile devices. We compared the throughput and job completion achieved by algorithms proposed in this paper using as a baseline a previously developed algorithm that considers computing resources but only from battery-dependent devices called Enhanced Simple Energy-Aware Schedule (E-SEAS). The obtained results in the simulation reveal that our proposed algorithms can obtain up to a 90% increment in overall throughput and around 95% of completed jobs in hybrid environments compared to E-SEAS. Finally, we show that incorporating these characteristics gives more awareness of the type of resources present and can enable the algorithms to manage resources more efficiently in more hybrid environments than other algorithms found in the literature.
@article{Tapia2021,author={Sanabria, P. and Tapia, T.F. and Neyem, A. and Benedetto, J.I. and Hirsch, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={New Heuristics for Scheduling and Distributing Jobs under Hybrid Dew Computing Environments},selected=true,journal={Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing},year={2021},volume={2021},doi={10.1155/2021/8899660},art_number={8899660},url={},author_keywords={Dew Computing; Edge Computing; Mobile Devices; Job Scheduling; Scheduling Heuristics},document_type={Article}}
A Simulation-based Performance Evaluation of Heuristics for Dew Computing
The evolution of smartphones allows the continuous exploitation of computing resources. This increasingly applies also to distributed environments as exemplified through utilization of network router loads in edge computing and fog computing. Combining cloud computing and mobile smart devices in dew computing contexts enables new techniques for resource utilization, data collection and data processing. However, new challenges regarding job scheduling arise. Smartphones may be used in ad-hoc networks in this context, but their heterogeneity and energy usage must be considered. We propose novel heuristics for performance measuring of distributed computing systems integrated with mobile devices and compare them with previous heuristics in a simulation environment. Our results show an overall improvement in job completion and load balancing metrics compared to previous approaches. They highlight the usefulness of pursuing this research stream for aiming at industrial implementation and evaluation
@inproceedings{Hirsch2020:HICSS,author={Hirsch, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Majchrzak, T. and Grønli, T-M and Kaindl, H.},title={A Simulation-based Performance Evaluation of Heuristics for Dew Computing},booktitle={Proceedings - Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS},year={2021},url={},author_keywords={Dew Computing; Edge Computing; Mobile Devices; Job Scheduling; Scheduling Heuristics},document_type={Conference Paper}}
Evaluating the performance of three popular web mapping libraries: A case study using Argentina’s life quality index
@article{Zunino2020,author={Zunino, A. and Velázquez, G. and Celemín, J.P. and Mateos, C. and Hirsch, M. and Rodriguez, J.M.},title={Evaluating the performance of three popular web mapping libraries: A case study using Argentina's life quality index},selected=true,journal={ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information},year={2020},volume={9},number={10},doi={10.3390/ijgi9100563},art_number={563},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-UNCPBA, CONICET, Tandil, Buenos Aires, B7001BBO, Argentina; IGEHCS-UNCPBA, CONICET, Tandil, Buenos Aires, B7001BBO, Argentina},author_keywords={Mobile applications; Performance test; Raster; Software development; Tiles; Vector; Web map},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Discovering web services in social web service repositories using deep variational autoencoders
@article{Lizarralde2020,author={Lizarralde, I. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Majchrzak, T.A. and Grønli, T.-M.},title={Discovering web services in social web service repositories using deep variational autoencoders},journal={Information Processing and Management},year={2020},selected=true,volume={57},number={4},doi={10.1016/j.ipm.2020.102231},art_number={102231},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN – UNICEN – CONICET. Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway; Kristiania University College, Oslo, Norway},author_keywords={Deep neural network; Service discovery; Service-oriented computing; Variational autoencoder; Web Services},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Sharpening the edge: Towards improved edge computing environment for mobile and IoT applications
@article{Diaz20201130,author={Mateos, C. and Choo, K.-K.R. and Zunino, A.},title={Sharpening the edge: Towards improved edge computing environment for mobile and IoT applications},journal={Future Generation Computer Systems},year={2020},selected=true,volume={107},pages={1130-1133},doi={10.1016/j.future.2019.06.017},url={},affiliation={Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Exact Sciences, UNICEN University, Argentina; Department of Information Systems and Cyber Security, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78249-0631, United States; Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Exact Sciences, UNICEN University, Argentina},document_type={Editorial},source={Scopus}}
DewSim: A trace-driven toolkit for simulating mobile device clusters in Dew computing environments
@article{Hirsch2020688,author={Hirsch, M. and Mateos, C. and Rodriguez, J.M. and Zunino, A.},title={DewSim: A trace-driven toolkit for simulating mobile device clusters in Dew computing environments},journal={Software - Practice and Experience},year={2020},selected=true,volume={50},number={5},pages={688-718},doi={10.1002/spe.2696},url={},affiliation={Campus Universitario, ISISTAN-UNCPBA-CONICET, Tandil, Argentina},author_keywords={android; battery-aware resource management policy; discrete event simulation; edge computing; mobile devices; trace-based},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
An Analysis of Distributed Programming Models and Frameworks for Large-scale Graph Processing
@article{Corbellini2020,author={Corbellini, A. and Godoy, D. and Mateos, C. and Schiaffino, S. and Zunino, A.},title={An Analysis of Distributed Programming Models and Frameworks for Large-scale Graph Processing},journal={IETE Journal of Research},year={2020},doi={10.1080/03772063.2020.1754139},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-CONICET, UNICEN, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Distributed graph-processing frameworks; Large-scale graphs; Programming models},document_type={Review},source={Scopus}}
A performance comparison of heuristics for scheduling jobs in hybrid mobile topologies
P. Sanabria, T.F. Tapia, J.I. Benedetto, M. Hirsch, C. Mateos, and A. Zunino
In Proceedings - International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, SCCC, Sep 2019
@inproceedings{Sanabria2019,author={Sanabria, P. and Tapia, T.F. and Benedetto, J.I. and Hirsch, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={A performance comparison of heuristics for scheduling jobs in hybrid mobile topologies},booktitle={Proceedings - International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, SCCC},year={2019},volume={2019-November},doi={10.1109/SCCC49216.2019.8966417},art_number={8966417},url={},affiliation={Pontificia Universidad Católica, Department of Computer Science, Santiago, Chile; ISISTAN Research Institute, CONICET, UNICEN, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Dew Computing; Edge Computing; Mobile Computing; Scheduling algorithm heuristics},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Reducing energy usage in resource-intensive java-based scientific applications via micro-benchmark based code refactorings
@article{Longo2019541,author={Longo, M. and Rodríguez, A. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={Reducing energy usage in resource-intensive java-based scientific applications via micro-benchmark based code refactorings},journal={Computer Science and Information Systems},year={2019},volume={16},number={2},pages={541-561},doi={10.2298/CSIS180608009L},url={},affiliation={University of Southern California, 1337 1/2 W Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, 90007, United States; ISISTAN-CONICET-UNICEN, Campus Universitario, Tandil, B7001BBO, Argentina},author_keywords={Code refactoring; Energy; Java; Micro-benchmarks; Scientific application},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Exploiting named entity recognition for improving syntactic-based web service discovery
@article{Lizarralde2019398,author={Lizarralde, I. and Mateos, C. and Rodriguez, J.M. and Zunino, A.},title={Exploiting named entity recognition for improving syntactic-based web service discovery},journal={Journal of Information Science},year={2019},volume={45},number={3},pages={398-415},doi={10.1177/0165551518793321},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-CONICET-UNICEN, Tandil, Argentina},author_keywords={Information retrieval; named entity recognition; natural language processing; service-oriented computing; web Services},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
A family of heuristic search algorithms for feature model optimization
@article{Sánchez2019264,author={Sánchez, L.E. and Diaz-Pace, J.A. and Zunino, A.},title={A family of heuristic search algorithms for feature model optimization},journal={Science of Computer Programming},year={2019},volume={172},pages={264-293},doi={10.1016/j.scico.2018.12.002},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil, Argentina},author_keywords={Feature modeling; Heuristic search; Optimization; Search-based software engineering; Software product line},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Estimating body condition score in dairy cows from depth images using convolutional neural networks, transfer learning and model ensembling techniques
J.R. Alvarez, M. Arroqui, P. Mangudo, J. Toloza, D. Jatip, J.M. Rodriguez, A. Teyseyre, C. Sanz, A. Zunino, C. Machado, and
1 more author
@article{Alvarez2019,author={Alvarez, J.R. and Arroqui, M. and Mangudo, P. and Toloza, J. and Jatip, D. and Rodriguez, J.M. and Teyseyre, A. and Sanz, C. and Zunino, A. and Machado, C. and Mateos, C.},title={Estimating body condition score in dairy cows from depth images using convolutional neural networks, transfer learning and model ensembling techniques},journal={Agronomy},year={2019},volume={9},number={2},doi={10.3390/agronomy9020090},art_number={90 c 2018 by the authors},url={},affiliation={CIVETAN (Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias—UNCPBA, CICPBA and CONICET), UNICEN University, Tandil, B7001BBO, Argentina; D-TEC—Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT), CABAC1425FQD, Argentina; ISISTAN-CONICET, UNICEN University, Tandil, B7001BBO, Argentina; Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, UNICEN University, Tandil, B7001BBO, Argentina; ISISTAN-UNICEN-CONICET, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil B7001BBO, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Body Condition Score; Convolutional neural networks; Image analysis; Model ensembling; Precision livestock; Transfer learning},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
COBOL systems migration to SOA: Assessing antipatterns and complexity
@article{Mateos201971,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Flores, A. and Misra, S.},title={COBOL systems migration to SOA: Assessing antipatterns and complexity},journal={Information Technology and Control},year={2019},volume={48},number={1},pages={71-89},doi={10.5755/j01.itc.48.1.21566},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN, Paraje Arroyo Seco Str., Tandil, B7000, Argentina; CONICET, The National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Godoy Cruz Str. 2290, Buenos Aires, C1425FQB, Argentina; GIISCo Research Group, Faculty of Informatics, National University of Comahue, Buenos Aires Str. 1400, Neuquén, 8300, Argentina; Atilim University, Kizilcasar Mahallesi Str., Incek, Ankara, 06836, Turkey; Covenant University, Km. 10 Idiroko Road, Ota, P.M.B 1023, Nigeria},author_keywords={Direct migration; Indirect migration; Legacy system migration; Service-oriented architecture; Web services; WSDL antipatterns; WSDL complexity},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Towards integrating mobile devices into dew computing: A model for hour-wise prediction of energy availability
@article{Longo2019,author={Longo, M. and Hirsch, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={Towards integrating mobile devices into dew computing: A model for hour-wise prediction of energy availability},journal={Information (Switzerland)},year={2019},volume={10},number={3},doi={10.3390/info10030086},art_number={86},url={},affiliation={Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90007, United States; ISISTAN-UNICEN-CONICET, Tandil, Buenos Aires, B7001BBO, Argentina},author_keywords={Battery prediction; Dew computing; Feature selection; Machine learning; Mobile cloud computing},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
A structural-semantic web service selection approach to improve retrievability of web services
@article{Garriga20181319,author={Garriga, M. and Renzis, A.D. and Lizarralde, I. and Flores, A. and Mateos, C. and Cechich, A. and Zunino, A.},title={A structural-semantic web service selection approach to improve retrievability of web services},journal={Information Systems Frontiers},year={2018},volume={20},number={6},pages={1319-1344},doi={10.1007/s10796-016-9731-1},url={},affiliation={GiiSCo Research Group, Faculty of Informatics, Universidad Nacional del Comahue (UNComa), Buenos Aires, Neuquen 1400, Argentina; ISISTAN Research Institute, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNPCBA), Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, (CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Semantic service selection; Service interface; Service selection; Structural service selection; Web service discovery; Web services},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Body condition estimation on cows from depth images using Convolutional Neural Networks
J. Rodríguez Alvarez, M. Arroqui, P. Mangudo, J. Toloza, D. Jatip, J.M. Rodriguez, A. Teyseyre, C. Sanz, A. Zunino, C. Machado, and
1 more author
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Sep 2018
@article{RodríguezAlvarez201812,author={Rodríguez Alvarez, J. and Arroqui, M. and Mangudo, P. and Toloza, J. and Jatip, D. and Rodriguez, J.M. and Teyseyre, A. and Sanz, C. and Zunino, A. and Machado, C. and Mateos, C.},title={Body condition estimation on cows from depth images using Convolutional Neural Networks},journal={Computers and Electronics in Agriculture},year={2018},volume={155},pages={12-22},doi={10.1016/j.compag.2018.09.039},url={},affiliation={D-TEC – Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT), Argentina; ISISTAN – UNICEN – CONICET, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; CIVETAN – UNICEN – CONICET – CICPBA, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Faculty of Veterinary Sciences – UNICEN, Argentina},author_keywords={Body condition score; Convolutional Neural Networks; Image analysis; Precision livestock},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Augmenting computing capabilities at the edge by jointly exploiting mobile devices: A survey
@article{Hirsch2018644,author={Hirsch, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={Augmenting computing capabilities at the edge by jointly exploiting mobile devices: A survey},journal={Future Generation Computer Systems},year={2018},volume={88},pages={644-662},doi={10.1016/j.future.2018.06.005},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-UNICEN-CONICET Research Institute. Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Argentina},author_keywords={Edge computing; Mobile cloud computing; Resource allocation; Resource-intensive applications; Smart mobile devices},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Practical criteria for scheduling CPU-bound jobs in mobile devices at the edge
@inproceedings{Hirsch2018340,author={Hirsch, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={Practical criteria for scheduling CPU-bound jobs in mobile devices at the edge},booktitle={Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, IC2E},year={2018},pages={340-345},doi={10.1109/IC2E.2018.00065},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-UNCPBA-CONICET. Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Job scheduling; Mobile devices; Mobile edge computing},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Spotting and Removing WSDL Anti-pattern Root Causes in Code-first Web Services Using NLP Techniques: A Thorough Validation of Impact on Service Discoverability
@article{Hirsch2018116,author={Hirsch, M. and Rodríguez, A. and Rodriguez, J.M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={Spotting and Removing WSDL Anti-pattern Root Causes in Code-first Web Services Using NLP Techniques: A Thorough Validation of Impact on Service Discoverability},journal={Computer Standards and Interfaces},year={2018},volume={56},pages={116-133},doi={10.1016/j.csi.2017.09.010},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-CONICET, UNICEN. Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Argentina},author_keywords={Automatic detection; Code-first; Service discovery; Web services; WSDL anti-patterns},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
A Model for Hour-Wise Prediction of Mobile Device Energy Availability
@article{Longo2018351,author={Longo, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={A Model for Hour-Wise Prediction of Mobile Device Energy Availability},journal={Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing},year={2018},volume={738},pages={351-358},doi={10.1007/978-3-319-77028-4_47},url={},affiliation={University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States; ISISTAN-UNCPBA-CONICET, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Android; Battery prediction; Feature selection; Mobile cloud computing; Time series},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Task scheduling for processing big graphs in heterogeneous commodity clusters
@article{Corbellini2018235,author={Corbellini, A. and Godoy, D. and Mateos, C. and Schiaffino, S. and Zunino, A.},title={Task scheduling for processing big graphs in heterogeneous commodity clusters},journal={Communications in Computer and Information Science},year={2018},volume={796},pages={235-249},doi={10.1007/978-3-319-73353-1_16},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-CONICET, UNICEN, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
DPM: A novel distributed large-scale social graph processing framework for link prediction algorithms
@article{Corbellini2018474,author={Corbellini, A. and Godoy, D. and Mateos, C. and Schiaffino, S. and Zunino, A.},title={DPM: A novel distributed large-scale social graph processing framework for link prediction algorithms},journal={Future Generation Computer Systems},year={2018},volume={78},pages={474-480},doi={10.1016/j.future.2017.02.025},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-CONICET, UNICEN, Paraje Arroyo Seco - Campus Universitario, Tandil, Buenos Aires, 7000, Argentina},author_keywords={Distributed graph processing; Online Social Networks; Recommendation algorithms},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
An empirical evaluation of a simple energy aware scheduler for mobile grids
@inproceedings{Campos20171,author={Campos, A.P. and Rodriguez, J.M. and Zunino, A.},title={An empirical evaluation of a simple energy aware scheduler for mobile grids},booktitle={2017 43rd Latin American Computer Conference, CLEI},year={2017},volume={2017-January},pages={1-9},doi={10.1109/CLEI.2017.8226401},url={},affiliation={Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNICEN, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN-CONICET, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Energy Aware Scheduler; Job Scheduling; Mobile Device; Mobile Grid},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Word embeddings for improving REST services discoverability
@inproceedings{Lizarralde20171,author={Lizarralde, I. and Rodriguez, J.M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={Word embeddings for improving REST services discoverability},booktitle={2017 43rd Latin American Computer Conference, CLEI },year={2017},volume={2017-January},pages={1-8},doi={10.1109/CLEI.2017.8226444},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-UNICEN-CONICET, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
A performance comparison of data-aware heuristics for scheduling jobs in mobile grids
@inproceedings{Hirsch20171,author={Hirsch, M. and Mateos, C. and Rodriguez, J.M. and Zunino, A. and Garí, Y. and Monge, D.A.},title={A performance comparison of data-aware heuristics for scheduling jobs in mobile grids},booktitle={2017 43rd Latin American Computer Conference, CLEI},year={2017},volume={2017-January},pages={1-8},doi={10.1109/CLEI.2017.8226474},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-UNCPBA-CONICET, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; ITIC-UNCuyo and CONICET, Mendoza, Argentina},author_keywords={job scheduling; Mobile devices; Mobile Grid; resource intensive applications},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
SMArtOp: A Java library for distributing high-dimensional sparse-matrix arithmetic operations
@article{Tommasel201726,author={Tommasel, A. and Godoy, D. and Zunino, A.},title={SMArtOp: A Java library for distributing high-dimensional sparse-matrix arithmetic operations},journal={Science of Computer Programming},year={2017},volume={150},pages={26-30},doi={10.1016/j.scico.2017.06.005},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN, UNICEN-CONICET, Facultad Cs. Exactas, Campus Universitario, Tandil, B7001BBO, Argentina},author_keywords={Big-scale sparse-matrix; Distributed computing; Matrix arithmetic operation},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Controlling complexity of web services interfaces through a metrics-driven approach
@inproceedings{Anabalon20171,author={Anabalon, D. and Flores, A. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Misra, S.},title={Controlling complexity of web services interfaces through a metrics-driven approach},booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Informatics, ICCNI},year={2017},volume={2017-January},pages={1-9},doi={10.1109/ICCNI.2017.8123807},url={},affiliation={GIISCO Research Group, National University of Comahue, CONICET, Neuquén, Argentina; ISISTAN-CONICET Research Institute, UNICEN University, Tandil, Argentina; Covenant University, Otta, Nigeria},author_keywords={Code-First; Object-oriented Metrics; Web Service Interface Complexity; Web Services},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Mining social web service repositories for social relationships to aid service discovery
@inproceedings{Corbellini201775,author={Corbellini, A. and Godoy, D. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Lizarralde, I.},title={Mining social web service repositories for social relationships to aid service discovery},booktitle={IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories},year={2017},pages={75-79},doi={10.1109/MSR.2017.16},art_number={7962357},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, CONICET-UNCPBA, Campus Universitario, Tandil, Buenos Aires, B7001BBO, Argentina},author_keywords={Exemplar-based clustering; Service discovery; Social recommender systems; Social Web Service},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
A distributed approach for accelerating sparse matrix arithmetic operations for high-dimensional feature selection
@article{Tommasel2017459,author={Tommasel, A. and Godoy, D. and Zunino, A. and Mateos, C.},title={A distributed approach for accelerating sparse matrix arithmetic operations for high-dimensional feature selection},journal={Knowledge and Information Systems},year={2017},volume={51},number={2},pages={459-497},doi={10.1007/s10115-016-0981-5},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN, UNICEN-CONICET, Paraje Arroyo Seco, Campus Universitario, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Distributed computing; Feature selection; Matrix arithmetic operation; Sparse matrix},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
A Two-Phase Energy-Aware Scheduling Approach for CPU-Intensive Jobs in Mobile Grids
@article{Hirsch201755,author={Hirsch, M. and Rodriguez, J.M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={A Two-Phase Energy-Aware Scheduling Approach for CPU-Intensive Jobs in Mobile Grids},journal={Journal of Grid Computing},year={2017},volume={15},number={1},pages={55-80},doi={10.1007/s10723-016-9387-6},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-CONICET. UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil, Buenos Aires B7001BBO, Argentina},author_keywords={CPU intensive application; Job scheduling; Job stealing; Mobile devices; Mobile grid},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
A domain independent readability metric for web service descriptions
@article{DeRenzis2017124,author={De Renzis, A. and Garriga, M. and Flores, A. and Cechich, A. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={A domain independent readability metric for web service descriptions},journal={Computer Standards and Interfaces},year={2017},volume={50},pages={124-141},doi={10.1016/j.csi.2016.09.005},url={},affiliation={GIISCO Research Group, National University of Comahue, Neuquén, Argentina; ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Tandíl, Argentina},author_keywords={Domain independent; Readability; Web service descriptions; WordNet},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Keeping Web Service interface complexity low using an OO metric-based early approach
@inproceedings{Mateos2017,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Misra, S. and Anabalon, D. and Flores, A.},title={Keeping Web Service interface complexity low using an OO metric-based early approach},booktitle={Proceedings of the 2016 42nd Latin American Computing Conference, CLEI},year={2017},doi={10.1109/CLEI.2016.7833366},art_number={7833366},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-CONICET and UNICEN. Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Covenant University, Nigeria; UNComa and CONICET. Neuquén, Neuquén, Argentina},author_keywords={CODE-FIRST; OBJECT-ORIENTED METRICS; WEB SERVICE INTERFACE COMPLEXITY; WEB SERVICES; WEYUKER'S PROPERTIES},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
@inproceedings{DeRenzis2017,author={De Renzis, A. and Garriga, M. and Flores, A. and Cechich, A. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={Assessing readability of Web service interfaces},booktitle={Proceedings of the 2016 42nd Latin American Computing Conference, CLEI},year={2017},doi={10.1109/CLEI.2016.7833369},art_number={7833369},url={},affiliation={GIISCo Research Group, Faculty of Informatics, UNComa University, Neuquen, Argentina; ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={Readability; Service description quality; Service Discovery; Web Services; WordNet},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
A multi-core computing approach for large-scale multi-label classification
@article{Rodriguez2017329,author={Rodriguez, J.M. and Godoy, D. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={A multi-core computing approach for large-scale multi-label classification},journal={Intelligent Data Analysis},year={2017},volume={21},number={2},pages={329-352},doi={10.3233/IDA-150375},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, Unicen University, Campus Universitario, Tandil, B7001BBO, Argentina},author_keywords={Binary relevance classification; multi-core programming; multi-label classification; parallel classification},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Assessing Web Services interfaces with lightweight semantic basis
@article{Garriga20171173,author={Garriga, M. and De Renzis, A. and Flores, A. and Cechich, A. and Zunino, A.},title={Assessing Web Services interfaces with lightweight semantic basis},journal={Computing and Informatics},year={2017},volume={36},number={5},pages={1173-1206},doi={10.4149/cai_2017_5_1173},url={},affiliation={GIISCo Research Group, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Neuquén, Argentina; CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council), Argentina; ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN, Tandil, Argentina},author_keywords={DISCO; Service discovery; Service oriented computing; Service Selection; Web Services; WordNet},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Migration from COBOL to SOA: Measuring the impact on web services interfaces complexity
@article{Mateos2017266,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Misra, S. and Anabalon, D. and Flores, A.},title={Migration from COBOL to SOA: Measuring the impact on web services interfaces complexity},journal={Communications in Computer and Information Science},year={2017},volume={756},pages={266-279},doi={10.1007/978-3-319-67642-5_22},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-UNICEN-CONICET Research Institute, Tandil, Argentina; Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria; GIISCO Research Group, National University of Comahue, Neuquén, Argentina; CONICET, National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Direct migration; Indirect migration; Legacy system migration; Service-oriented architecture; Web services; WSDL complexity},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
@article{Corbellini20171,author={Corbellini, A. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Godoy, D. and Schiaffino, S.},title={Persisting big-data: The NoSQL landscape},journal={Information Systems},year={2017},volume={63},pages={1-23},doi={10.1016/},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN (CONICET-UNCPBA) Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus UniversitarioB7001BBO, Argentina},author_keywords={Big data; Database distribution; Database persistence; Distributed systems; NoSQL databases; Relational databases},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Improving scientific application execution on android mobile devices via code refactorings
@article{Rodriguez2017763,author={Rodríguez, A. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={Improving scientific application execution on android mobile devices via code refactorings},journal={Software - Practice and Experience},year={2016},volume={47},number={5},pages={763-796},doi={10.1002/spe.2419},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil, B7001BBO, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={android; code refactoring; computational kernels; scientific computing; smartphones},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Extending JASAG with data processing techniques for speeding up agricultural simulation applications: A case study with Simugan
M. Longo, M. Arroqui, J. Rodriguez, C. Machado, C. Mateos, and A. Zunino
@article{Longo2016235,author={Longo, M. and Arroqui, M. and Rodriguez, J. and Machado, C. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={Extending JASAG with data processing techniques for speeding up agricultural simulation applications: A case study with Simugan},journal={Information Processing in Agriculture},year={2016},volume={3},number={4},pages={235-243},doi={10.1016/j.inpa.2016.09.001},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN – CONICET. Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina; Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias – UNICEN. Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT), Argentina},author_keywords={Agricultural simulation applications; Data processing; Grid Computing; Gridification; JASAG; Simugan},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Testing-supported Case-Based Reasoning for Web Service Selection
@inproceedings{Anabalon2016,author={Anabalon, D. and De Renzis, A. and Garriga, M. and Flores, A. and Cechich, A. and Zunino, A.},title={Testing-supported Case-Based Reasoning for Web Service Selection},booktitle={2016 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON},year={2016},doi={10.1109/ARGENCON.2016.7585289},art_number={7585289},url={},affiliation={GIISCo Research Group, Faculty of Informatics, UNComa University, Neuquen, Argentina; ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Web Services Interfaces Assessment through Semantic Similarity of Terms
@inproceedings{DeRenzis201621,author={De Renzis, A. and Garriga, M. and Flores, A. and Cechich, A. and Zunino, A.},title={Web Services Interfaces Assessment through Semantic Similarity of Terms},booktitle={Proceedings - International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, SCCC},year={2016},volume={2016-September},pages={21-24},doi={10.1109/SCCC.2014.34},art_number={7559666},url={},affiliation={GIISCo Research Group, Faculty of Informatics, UNComa University, Neuquen, Argentina; ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={DISCO; Service Integration; Service Oriented Computing; Service Selection; Web Services; WordNet},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
An empirical comparison of feature selection methods in problem transformation multi-label classification
@article{Rodriguez20163784,author={Rodriguez, J.M. and Godoy, D. and Zunino, A.},title={An empirical comparison of feature selection methods in problem transformation multi-label classification},journal={IEEE Latin America Transactions},year={2016},volume={14},number={8},pages={3784-3791},doi={10.1109/TLA.2016.7786364},art_number={7786364},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN) - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Binary Relevance; Feature Selection; HOMER; Multi-label Classification; Pair-Wise; Problem Transformation Classification},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Battery-aware centralized schedulers for CPU-bound jobs in mobile Grids
@article{Hirsch201673,author={Hirsch, M. and Rodriguez, J.M. and Zunino, A. and Mateos, C.},title={Battery-aware centralized schedulers for CPU-bound jobs in mobile Grids},journal={Pervasive and Mobile Computing},year={2016},volume={29},pages={73-94},doi={10.1016/j.pmcj.2015.08.003},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-CONICET Research Institute. Campus Universitario, Tandil, (B7001BBO), Argentina},author_keywords={Job scheduling; Job stealing; Mobile devices; Mobile grid; SEAS},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Case-based Reasoning for Web Service Discovery and Selection
@article{DeRenzis201689,author={De Renzis, A. and Garriga, M. and Flores, A. and Cechich, A. and Zunino, A.},title={Case-based Reasoning for Web Service Discovery and Selection},journal={Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},year={2016},volume={321},pages={89-112},doi={10.1016/j.entcs.2016.02.006},url={},affiliation={GIISCo Research Group, Faculty of Informatics, UNComa University, Nuequen, Argentina; ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Case-based Reasoning; Service Discovery; Service Oriented Application; Service Selection; Web services},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
An analysis of the effects of bad smell-driven refactorings in mobile applications on battery usage
A.V. Rodríguez, A. Zunino, C. Mateos, and L.M. Longo
@book{Rodríguez2016155,author={Rodríguez, A.V. and Zunino, A. and Mateos, C. and Longo, L.M.},title={An analysis of the effects of bad smell-driven refactorings in mobile applications on battery usage},journal={Modern Software Engineering Methodologies for Mobile and Cloud Environments},year={2016},pages={155-175},doi={10.4018/978-1-4666-9916-8.ch009},url={},affiliation={Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN), Argentina; Instituto de Sistemas Tandil (ISISTAN), Argentina},document_type={Book Chapter},source={Scopus}}
Energy implications of common operations in resource-intensive java-based scientific applications
@article{Mateos2016739,author={Mateos, C. and Rodriguez, A. and Longo, M. and Zunino, A.},title={Energy implications of common operations in resource-intensive java-based scientific applications},journal={Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing},year={2016},volume={444},pages={739-748},doi={10.1007/978-3-319-31232-3_69},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil, Buenos Aires, B7001BBO, Argentina},author_keywords={Energy; Java; Micro-benchmarks; Scientific application},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Assessing cognitive complexity in Java-based Object-Oriented systems: Metrics and tool support
Software cognitive complexity refers to how demanding the mental process of performing tasks such as coding, testing, debugging, or modifying source code is. Achieving low levels of cognitive complexity is crucial for ensuring high levels of software maintainability, which is one of the most rewardful software quality attributes. Therefore, in order to control and ensure software maintainability, it is first necessary to accurately quantify software cognitive complexity. In this line, this paper presents a software metric to assess cognitive complexity in Object-Oriented (OO) systems, and particularly those developed in the Java language, which is very popular among OO programming languages. The proposed metric is based on a characterization of basic control structures present in Java systems. Several algorithms to compute the metric and their materialization in the Eclipse IDE are also introduced. Finally, a theoretical validation of the metric against a framework specially designed to validate software complexity metrics is presented, and the applicability of the tool is shown by illustrating the metric in the context of ten real world Java projects and relevant metrics from the well-known Chidamber-Kemerer metric suite.
@article{Crasso2016497,author={Crasso, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Misra, S. and Polvorín, P.},title={Assessing cognitive complexity in Java-based Object-Oriented systems: Metrics and tool support},journal={Computing and Informatics},year={2016},volume={35},number={3},pages={497-527},url={},affiliation={IBM Research, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina; ISISTAN, CONICET, UNICEN, University Campus Universitario, Tandil, Buenos Aires, B7001BBO, Argentina; Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey; ProcessOne, Paris, France},author_keywords={Basic control structures; CK metric suite; Java; Software cognitive complexity},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
An evaluation of distributed processing models for randomwalk-based link prediction algorithms over social big data
@article{Corbellini2016919,author={Corbellini, A. and Mateos, C. and Godoy, D. and Zunino, A. and Schiaffino, S.},title={An evaluation of distributed processing models for randomwalk-based link prediction algorithms over social big data},journal={Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing},year={2016},volume={444},pages={919-928},doi={10.1007/978-3-319-31232-3_87},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil, Buenos Aires, B7001BBO, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={Big data; Fork-Join; HITS; Link prediction; Online social networks; Pregel; SALSA},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
@article{Garriga201632,author={Garriga, M. and Mateos, C. and Flores, A. and Cechich, A. and Zunino, A.},title={RESTful service composition at a glance: A survey},journal={Journal of Network and Computer Applications},year={2016},volume={60},pages={32-53},doi={10.1016/j.jnca.2015.11.020},url={},affiliation={GIISCo Research Group, University of Comahue, Buenos Aires 1400, Neuquen, 8300, Argentina; ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil, B7001BBO, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={Restful services; Service composition; Service mashups; Web Services},document_type={Review},source={Scopus}}
Improving REST Service Discovery with Unsupervised Learning Techniques
@inproceedings{Rodriguez201597,author={Rodriguez, J.M. and Zunino, A. and Mateos, C. and Segura, F.O. and Rodriguez, E.},title={Improving REST Service Discovery with Unsupervised Learning Techniques},booktitle={Proceedings - 2015 9th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, CISIS},year={2015},pages={97-104},doi={10.1109/CISIS.2015.14},art_number={7185172},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN - Research Institute, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Universidad Nacional Del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN), Tandil, Argentina; Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNICEN, Tandil, Argentina},author_keywords={Information Retrieval; REST; Services Discovery; WADL},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
A tool to improve code-first Web services discoverability through text mining techniques
@article{Mateos2015925,author={Mateos, C. and Rodriguez, J.M. and Zunino, A.},title={A tool to improve code-first Web services discoverability through text mining techniques},journal={Software - Practice and Experience},year={2015},volume={45},number={7},pages={925-948},doi={10.1002/spe.2268},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN, CONICET - UNICEN, Tandil, Buenos Aires, B7001BBO, Argentina},author_keywords={automatic detection; code first; service discovery; Web services; WSDL anti-patterns},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Publication practices in the Argentinian Computer Science community: a bibliometric perspective
@article{Godoy20151795,author={Godoy, D. and Zunino, A. and Mateos, C.},title={Publication practices in the Argentinian Computer Science community: a bibliometric perspective},journal={Scientometrics},year={2015},volume={102},number={2},pages={1795-1814},doi={10.1007/s11192-014-1450-0},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN), University Campus, Paraje Arroyo Seco (BBO7001B), Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Computer science; Conferences and journals; Publication practices},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
@article{Garriga2015376,author={Garriga, M. and Flores, A. and Cechich, A. and Zunino, A.},title={Web services composition mechanisms: A review},journal={IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India)},year={2015},volume={32},number={5},pages={376-383},doi={10.1080/02564602.2015.1019942},url={},affiliation={GIISCo Research Group, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Neuquen, Argentina; CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council), Argentina; ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Choreography; Mashup; Orchestration; Service composition; Web services; Workflow},document_type={Review},source={Scopus}}
A stitch in time saves nine: Early improving code-first web services discoverability
@article{Mateos2015,author={Mateos, C. and Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Ordiales Coscia, J.L.},title={A stitch in time saves nine: Early improving code-first web services discoverability},journal={International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems},year={2015},volume={24},number={2},doi={10.1142/S0218843015500045},art_number={1550004},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-CONICET, Universidad Nacional Del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Campus Universitario, Paraje Arroyo Seco, Tandil, Buenos Aires, B7001BBO, Argentina; IBM Research, Argentina; Klarna, Sweden},author_keywords={code-first; object-oriented metrics; Service-Oriented Computing; Web Services; Web Services Discovery; WSDL anti-Patterns},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
An architecture and platform for developing distributed recommendation algorithms on large-scale social networks
@article{Corbellini2015686,author={Corbellini, A. and Mateos, C. and Godoy, D. and Zunino, A. and Schiaffino, S.},title={An architecture and platform for developing distributed recommendation algorithms on large-scale social networks},journal={Journal of Information Science},year={2015},volume={41},number={5},pages={686-704},doi={10.1177/0165551515588669},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN UniversityB7001BBO, Argentina},author_keywords={Graph databases; graph-processing frameworks; large-scale processing; recommendation algorithms; social networks; work scheduling},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Measuring the impact of the approach to migration in the quality of web service interfaces
@article{Mateos201558,author={Mateos, C. and Crasso, M. and Rodriguez, J.M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Measuring the impact of the approach to migration in the quality of web service interfaces},journal={Enterprise Information Systems},year={2015},volume={9},number={1},pages={58-85},doi={10.1080/17517575.2012.717234},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute – UNICEN, Campus Universitario, Tandil, Buenos Aires, B7001BBO, Argentina; CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas), Av. Rivadavia 1917, Buenos Aires, C1033AAJ, Argentina},author_keywords={code-first; contract-first; direct migration; indirect migration; legacy system migration; service interface design; service modelling; services-oriented architectures; web services},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
@book{García2014426,author={García, S. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Detecting botnet traffic from a single host},journal={Handbook of Research on Emerging Developments in Data Privacy},year={2014},pages={426-446},doi={10.4018/978-1-4666-7381-6.ch019},url={},affiliation={UNICEN, Argentina; Agents Technology Group, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic; ISISTAN Research Institute, Argentina; CONICET, Argentina},document_type={Book Chapter},source={Scopus}}
Refactoring code-first Web Services for early avoiding WSDL anti-patterns: Approach and comprehensive assessment
@article{OrdialesCoscia2014374,author={Ordiales Coscia, J.L. and Mateos, C. and Crasso, M. and Zunino, A.},title={Refactoring code-first Web Services for early avoiding WSDL anti-patterns: Approach and comprehensive assessment},journal={Science of Computer Programming},year={2014},volume={89},number={PART C},pages={374-407},doi={10.1016/j.scico.2014.03.015},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil B7001BBO, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={Code-first; Service retrievability; Service understandability; Web services; WSDL anti-patterns},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
@article{Crasso2014452,author={Crasso, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={EasySOC: Making web service outsourcing easier},journal={Information Sciences},year={2014},volume={259},pages={452-473},doi={10.1016/j.ins.2010.01.013},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={Dependency injection; Machine learning; Service outsourcing; Service-oriented computing; Text mining},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Energy-efficient job stealing for CPU-intensive processing in mobile devices
@article{Rodriguez201487,author={Rodriguez, J.M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={Energy-efficient job stealing for CPU-intensive processing in mobile devices},journal={Computing},year={2014},volume={96},number={2},pages={87-117},doi={10.1007/s00607-012-0245-5},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={CPU intensive application; Job scheduling; Job stealing; Mobile devices; Mobile Grid},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
An approach for managing quality attributes at runtime using feature models
L.E. Sanchez, J.A. Diaz-Pace, A. Zunino, S. Moisan, and J.-P. Rigault
In Proceedings - 2014 8th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures and Reuse, SBCARS, Sep 2014
@inproceedings{Sanchez201411,author={Sanchez, L.E. and Diaz-Pace, J.A. and Zunino, A. and Moisan, S. and Rigault, J.-P.},title={An approach for managing quality attributes at runtime using feature models},booktitle={Proceedings - 2014 8th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures and Reuse, SBCARS},year={2014},pages={11-20},doi={10.1109/SBCARS.2014.13},art_number={7012978},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerrannée, Route des Lucioles 06902, Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France},author_keywords={Component-Based Software Engineering; Dynamic Software Product Lines; Feature Models; Optimization; Quality Attributes; Runtime Adaptation},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
PFS: A productivity forecasting system for desktop computers to improve grid applications performance in enterprise desktop grid
An Enterprise Desktop Grid (EDG) is a low cost platform that gathers desktop computers spread over different institutions. This platform uses desktop computers idle time to run grid applications. We argue that computers in these environments have a predictable productivity that affects a grid application execution time. In this paper, we propose a system called PFS for computer productivity forecasting that improves grid applications performance. We simulated 157 500 applications and compared the performance achieved by our proposal against two recent strategies. Our experiments show that a grid scheduler based on PFS runs applications faster than schedulers based on other selection strategies.
@article{Salinas2014783,author={Salinas, S.A. and García Garino, C. and Zunino, A.},title={PFS: A productivity forecasting system for desktop computers to improve grid applications performance in enterprise desktop grid},journal={Computing and Informatics},year={2014},volume={33},number={4},pages={783-809},url={},affiliation={ITIC Research Institute, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, ECT, Padre Jorge Contreras 1300, Mendoza, M5500, Argentina; ITIC Research Institute, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Centro Universitario, Mendoza, M5500, Argentina; CONICET - ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University Parajc Arroyo Seco, Tandil, Buenos Aires, B7001BBO, Argentina},author_keywords={Computer productivity forecasting; Enterprise Desktop Grid; Grid scheduling systems; Heuristic method; Prediction methods},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
@article{García2014878,author={García, S. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Survey on network-based botnet detection methods},journal={Security and Communication Networks},year={2014},volume={7},number={5},pages={878-903},doi={10.1002/sec.800},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute-CONICET, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, University Campus, Paraje Arroyo Seco (BBO7001B), Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Botnets; Information security; Network behavior; Network detection; Survey},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Multi-label classification using distributed computing [Clasificación multi-etiqueta utilizando computación distribuida]
@inproceedings{Rodriguez201490,author={Rodriguez, J.M. and Zunino, A. and Godoy, D. and Mateos, C.},title={Multi-label classification using distributed computing [Clasificación multi-etiqueta utilizando computación distribuida]},booktitle={2014 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON},year={2014},pages={90-95},doi={10.1109/ARGENCON.2014.6868477},art_number={6868477},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN, UNICEN-CONICET, Campus Universitario, Paraje-Arroyo-Saco, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Sparse-matrix arithmetic operations in computer clusters: A text feature selection application
@inproceedings{Tommasel2014458,author={Tommasel, A. and Mateos, C. and Godoy, D. and Zunino, A.},title={Sparse-matrix arithmetic operations in computer clusters: A text feature selection application},booktitle={2014 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON},year={2014},pages={458-463},doi={10.1109/ARGENCON.2014.6868535},art_number={6868535},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, CONICET-UNCPBA, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
An empirical comparison of botnet detection methods
@article{García2014100,author={García, S. and Grill, M. and Stiborek, J. and Zunino, A.},title={An empirical comparison of botnet detection methods},journal={Computers and Security},year={2014},volume={45},pages={100-123},doi={10.1016/j.cose.2014.05.011},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute - CONICET, Faculty of Sciences, UNICEN University, Argentina; Agents Technology Group, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Czech Republic},author_keywords={Anomaly detection; Botnet dataset; Botnet detection; Malware detection; Methods comparison; Network traffic},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
A software support to initiate systems engineering students in service-oriented computing
@article{Mateos2014252,author={Mateos, C. and Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={A software support to initiate systems engineering students in service-oriented computing},journal={Computer Applications in Engineering Education},year={2014},volume={22},number={2},pages={252-265},doi={10.1002/cae.20551},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil B7001BBO, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={authoring tools and methods; programming and programming languages; service-oriented computing; teaching/learning strategies},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Semantic-structural assessment scheme for integrability in service-oriented applications
@inproceedings{DeRenzis2014,author={De Renzis, A. and Garriga, M. and Flores, A. and Cechich, A. and Zunino, A.},title={Semantic-structural assessment scheme for integrability in service-oriented applications},booktitle={Proceedings of the 2014 Latin American Computing Conference, CLEI},year={2014},doi={10.1109/CLEI.2014.6965175},art_number={6965175},url={},affiliation={GIISCo Research Group, Faculty of Informatics, UNComa University, Neuquen, Argentina; ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={Service Discovery; Service Integration; Service Oriented Applications; Service Selection; Web Services},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
A programming interface and platform support for developing recommendation algorithms on large-scale social networks
@article{Corbellini201467,author={Corbellini, A. and Godoy, D. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Schiaffino, S.},title={A programming interface and platform support for developing recommendation algorithms on large-scale social networks},journal={Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)},year={2014},volume={8658 LNCS},pages={67-74},doi={10.1007/978-3-319-10166-8_6},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas Y Tecnicas (CONICET), Univ. Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Bs. As. (UNICEN), Campus Universitario, Paraje Arroyo Seco, (BBO7001B), Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
A tool for building retrievable code-first Web Services
@inproceedings{Hirsch2014165,author={Hirsch, M. and Rodriguez, A. and Rodriguez, J.M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Ordiales Coscia, J.L.},title={A tool for building retrievable code-first Web Services},booktitle={2014 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON},year={2014},pages={165-170},doi={10.1109/ARGENCON.2014.6868490},art_number={6868490},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN, UNICEN-CONICET, Campus Universitario - Paraje Arroyo Seco, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; ThoughtWorksPorto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
@article{Mateos201346,author={Mateos, C. and Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Ordiales Coscia, J.L.},title={Revising WSDL documents: Why and how, part 2},journal={IEEE Internet Computing},year={2013},volume={17},number={5},pages={46-53},doi={10.1109/MIC.2013.4},art_number={6489973},url={},affiliation={Universidad Nacional Del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN), Instituto de Sistemas Tandil (ISISTAN), Argentinian National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), Argentina; Universidad Nacional Del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN), Argentina},author_keywords={service architectures; services discovery process and methodology; Web Services Description Language; Web services modeling; Web services publishing; WSDL},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
An evaluation on developer’s perception of XML schema complexity metrics for web services
@article{Crasso2013475,author={Crasso, M. and Mateos, C. and Coscia, J.L.O. and Zunino, A. and Misra, S.},title={An evaluation on developer's perception of XML schema complexity metrics for web services},journal={Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)},year={2013},volume={7972 LNCS},number={PART 2},pages={475-486},doi={10.1007/978-3-642-39643-4_34},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, Argentina; UNICEN University, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina; Department of Computer Engineering, Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey},author_keywords={Human Perception; Service-Oriented Computing; Web Service Complexity; Web Service Understandability; Web Services},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
@article{Salvatierra2013840,author={Salvatierra, G. and Mateos, C. and Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Legacy system migration approaches},journal={IEEE Latin America Transactions},year={2013},volume={11},number={2},pages={840-851},doi={10.1109/TLA.2013.6533975},art_number={6533975},url={},affiliation={Universidad Nacional Del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Black Box Modernization; Direct Migration; Indirect Migration; Legacy System Migration; Semi Automatic COBOL Migration; Services Oriented Architecture; System Modernization; System Replacement; White Box Modernization},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Easyfjp: Providing hybrid parallelism as a concern for divide and conquer java applications
Because of the increasing availability of multi-core machines, clusters, Grids, and combinations of these there is now plenty of computational power, but today’s programmers are not fully prepared to exploit parallelism. In particular, Java has helped in handling the heterogeneity of such environments. However, there is a lot of ground to cover regarding facilities to easily and elegantly parallelizing applications. One path to this end seems to be the synthesis of semi-automatic parallelism and Parallelism as a Concern (PaaC). The former allows users to be mostly unaware of parallel exploitation problems and at the same time manually optimize parallelized applications whenever necessary, while the latter al-lows applications to be separated from parallel-related code. In this paper, we present EasyFJP, an approach that implicitly exploits parallelism in Java applications based on the concept of fork-join synchronization pattern, a simple but effective abstraction for creating and coordinating parallel tasks. In addition, EasyFJP lets users to explicitly optimize applications through policies, or user-provided rules to dynamically regulate task granularity. Finally, EasyFJP relies on PaaC by means of source code generation techniques to wire applications and parallel-specific code together. Experiments with real-world applications on an emulated Grid and evidence that Easy FJP delivers competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art Java parallel programming tools.
@article{Mateos20131129,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Hirsch, M.},title={Easyfjp: Providing hybrid parallelism as a concern for divide and conquer java applications},journal={Computer Science and Information Systems},year={2013},volume={10},number={3},pages={1129-1163},doi={10.2298/CSIS120712021M},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute - CONICET, Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO),Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Explicit parallelism; Fork-join synchronization patterns; Implicit parallelism; Java; Parallel computing; Parallelism as a concern (PaaC); Policies},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Best practices for describing, consuming, and discovering web services: A comprehensive toolset
@article{Rodriguez2013613,author={Rodriguez, J.M. and Crasso, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={Best practices for describing, consuming, and discovering web services: A comprehensive toolset},journal={Software - Practice and Experience},year={2013},volume={43},number={6},pages={613-639},doi={10.1002/spe.2123},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={service-oriented computing; service-oriented development guidelines; web service consumption; web service discovery; web services; WSDL anti-patterns},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Bottom-up and top-down cobol system migration to web services
@article{Rodriguez201344,author={Rodriguez, J.M. and Crasso, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Bottom-up and top-down cobol system migration to web services},journal={IEEE Internet Computing},year={2013},volume={17},number={2},pages={44-51},doi={10.1109/MIC.2011.162},art_number={6109214},url={},affiliation={UNICEN, Argentina},author_keywords={Internet computing; services architectures; Web services modeling},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
An approach for Web Service discoverability anti-pattern detection for journal of web engineering
@article{Rodriguez2013131,author={Rodriguez, J.M. and Crasso, M. and Zunino, A.},title={An approach for Web Service discoverability anti-pattern detection for journal of web engineering},journal={Journal of Web Engineering},year={2013},volume={12},number={1-2},pages={131-158},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Paraje Arroyo Seco Tandil, Buenos Aires B7001BBO, Argentina; CONICET, Argentina},author_keywords={Antipatterns detection; Web Services; Web Services Discoverability Anti-patterns; Web Services Modeling},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Anti-pattern free code-first web services for state-of-the-art Java WSDL generation tools
@article{OrdialesCoscia2013107,author={Ordiales Coscia, J.L. and Mateos, C. and Crasso, M. and Zunino, A.},title={Anti-pattern free code-first web services for state-of-the-art Java WSDL generation tools},journal={International Journal of Web and Grid Services},year={2013},volume={9},number={2},pages={107-126},doi={10.1504/IJWGS.2013.054108},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-CONICET - UNICEN University, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Code-first; Java; Object-oriented metrics; Service-oriented computing; Web services; WSDL anti-patterns; WSDL generation tools},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Service selection based on a practical interface assessment scheme
@article{Garriga2013369,author={Garriga, M. and Flores, A. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Cechich, A.},title={Service selection based on a practical interface assessment scheme},journal={International Journal of Web and Grid Services},year={2013},volume={9},number={4},pages={369-393},doi={10.1504/IJWGS.2013.057469},url={},affiliation={GIISCo Research Group, Faculty of Informatics, UNComa, Neuquén, Argentina; National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Neuquén, Argentina; ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Interface compatibility; Service-oriented computing; Web Service discovery; Web Service selection; Web Services},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Are smartphones really useful for scientific computing?
@article{Rodríguez201238,author={Rodriguez, J.M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={Are smartphones really useful for scientific computing?},journal={Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)},year={2012},volume={7547 LNCS},pages={38-47},doi={10.1007/978-3-642-34010-9_4},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas Y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={Android; Benchmark; Linpack; Scientific Computing; SciMark; Smartphones},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
An architecture for resource behavior prediction to improve scheduling systems performance on enterprise desktop grids
S.A. Salinas, C.G. Garino, and A. Zunino
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Sep 2012
@article{Salinas2012186,author={Salinas, S.A. and Garino, C.G. and Zunino, A.},title={An architecture for resource behavior prediction to improve scheduling systems performance on enterprise desktop grids},journal={Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)},year={2012},volume={7547 LNCS},pages={186-196},doi={10.1007/978-3-642-34010-9_18},url={},affiliation={Instituto para Las Tecnologías de la Información Y Las Comunicaciones (ITIC), UNCuyo, Mendoza, Argentina; Facultad de Ingeniería, UNCuyo, Mendoza, Argentina; ISISTAN, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNICEN, Tandil, Argentina},author_keywords={Classification Algorithms; Computer Behavior Prediction; Enterprise Desktop Grid; Resource Discovery System; Scheduling System},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
@article{Crasso2012208,author={Crasso, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={A programming model for the semantic web},journal={Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)},year={2012},volume={7547 LNCS},pages={208-218},doi={10.1007/978-3-642-34010-9_20},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas Y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={Aspect-Oriented Programming; Model; Semantic Web; Software},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Pattern-based modifiability analysis of EJB architectures
J.A.D. Pace, and A. Zunino
In Proceedings - 2012 6th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures and Reuse, SBCARS, Sep 2012
Historically, software engineers have conceived metric suites as valuable tools to estimate the quality of their software artifacts. Recently, a fresh computing paradigm called Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) has emerged at the crossing of massively distributed and heterogeneous software. This paper presents a statistical correlation analysis showing that classic software engineering metrics can be used to predict the complexity and quality of WSDL documents, the cornerstone software artifact when materializing this novel computing paradigm with Web-based technologies. For the experiments, 154 real world WSDL documents have been employed.
@inproceedings{Coscia2012,author={Coscia, J.L.O. and Crasso, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={Estimating Web Service interface complexity and quality through conventional object-oriented metrics},booktitle={15th Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, CIbSE},year={2012},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, Argentina; UNICEN University, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={Code-first; Early detection; Object-oriented metrics; Service-oriented computing; Web services},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Testing-based process for service-oriented applications
@inproceedings{Garriga201264,author={Garriga, M. and Flores, A. and Cechich, A. and Zunino, A.},title={Testing-based process for service-oriented applications},booktitle={Proceedings - International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, SCCC},year={2012},pages={64-73},doi={10.1109/SCCC.2011.10},art_number={6363384},url={},affiliation={GIISCo Research Group, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Nacional Del Comahue, Neuquen, Argentina; ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council), Argentina},author_keywords={Service-oriented Computing; Web Services; Component-based Systems; Software Testing},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
The SOA frontier: Experiences with three migration approaches
@book{Rodriguez2012126,author={Rodriguez, J.M. and Crasso, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M. and Salvatierra, G.},title={The SOA frontier: Experiences with three migration approaches},journal={Migrating Legacy Applications: Challenges in Service Oriented Architecture and Cloud Computing Environments},year={2012},pages={126-152},doi={10.4018/978-1-4666-2488-7.ch006},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina},document_type={Book Chapter},source={Scopus}}
Parallelism as a concern in Java through fork-join synchronization patterns
@inproceedings{Mateos201249,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Hirsch, M.},title={Parallelism as a concern in Java through fork-join synchronization patterns},booktitle={Proceedings - 12th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA},year={2012},pages={49-56},doi={10.1109/ICCSA.2012.18},art_number={6257609},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; CONICET, Argentina; UNICEN University, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={distributed computing; fork-join synchronization patterns; Java; parallel software development},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Information diffusion in web services networks
S. Mokarizadeh, P. Küngas, M. Matskin, M. Crasso, M. Campo, and A. Zunino
In Proceedings - 2012 IEEE 19th International Conference on Web Services, ICWS, Sep 2012
@inproceedings{Mokarizadeh2012488,author={Mokarizadeh, S. and Küngas, P. and Matskin, M. and Crasso, M. and Campo, M. and Zunino, A.},title={Information diffusion in web services networks},booktitle={Proceedings - 2012 IEEE 19th International Conference on Web Services, ICWS},year={2012},pages={488-495},doi={10.1109/ICWS.2012.89},art_number={6257844},url={},affiliation={Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia; UNICEN University, CONICET, Tandil, Argentina},author_keywords={Automated categorization; Information diffusion; Web services; Web services networks},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
RESTful Web Services improve the efficiency of data transfer of a whole-farm simulator accessed by Android smartphones
@article{Arroqui201214,author={Arroqui, M. and Mateos, C. and Machado, C. and Zunino, A.},title={RESTful Web Services improve the efficiency of data transfer of a whole-farm simulator accessed by Android smartphones},journal={Computers and Electronics in Agriculture},year={2012},volume={87},pages={14-18},doi={10.1016/j.compag.2012.05.016},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, UNICEN, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT), CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Agricultural information systems; Mobile devices; REST; Simugan; SOAP; Web services},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Towards a computer assisted approach for migrating legacy systems to SOA
@article{Salvatierra2012484,author={Salvatierra, G. and Mateos, C. and Crasso, M. and Zunino, A.},title={Towards a computer assisted approach for migrating legacy systems to SOA},journal={Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)},year={2012},volume={7336 LNCS},number={PART 4},pages={484-497},doi={10.1007/978-3-642-31128-4_36},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, Tandil, Argentina; UNICEN University, Tandil, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas Y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={direct migration; indirect migration; legacy system migration; semi-automatic cobol migration; Services-oriented architecture; web services},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Predicting web service maintainability via object-oriented metrics: A statistics-based approach
@article{Coscia201229,author={Coscia, J.L.O. and Crasso, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Misra, S.},title={Predicting web service maintainability via object-oriented metrics: A statistics-based approach},journal={Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)},year={2012},volume={7336 LNCS},number={PART 4},pages={29-39},doi={10.1007/978-3-642-31128-4_3},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, Tandil, Argentina; UNICEN University, Tandil, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas Y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina; Department of Computer Engineering, Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey},author_keywords={Code-First; Object-Oriented Metrics; Service-Oriented Computing; Web Service Maintainability; Web Service Maintainability Prediction; Web Services},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
@article{Misra2012234,author={Misra, S. and Koyuncu, M. and Crasso, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={A suite of cognitive complexity metrics},journal={Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)},year={2012},volume={7336 LNCS},number={PART 4},pages={234-247},doi={10.1007/978-3-642-31128-4_17},url={},affiliation={Department of Computer Engineering, Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey; ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Tandil, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas Y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={attributes; class; cognitive complexity; coupling; inheritance; messages; methods; software metrics; validation},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
An approach to improve code-first web services discoverability at development time
@inproceedings{OrdialesCoscia2012638,author={Ordiales Coscia, J.L. and Crasso, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A.},title={An approach to improve code-first web services discoverability at development time},booktitle={Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing},year={2012},pages={638-643},doi={10.1145/2245276.2245400},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute - CONICET, UNICEN, Tandil, Argentina},author_keywords={code-first; OO metrics; web service discovery; web services; WSDL anti-patterns},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Enhancing the BYG gridification tool with state-of-the-art Grid scheduling mechanisms and explicit tuning support
@article{Mateos201227,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Hirsch, M. and Fernández, M.},title={Enhancing the BYG gridification tool with state-of-the-art Grid scheduling mechanisms and explicit tuning support},journal={Advances in Engineering Software},year={2012},volume={43},number={1},pages={27-43},doi={10.1016/j.advengsoft.2011.08.006},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina; UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={BYG; Grid computing; GridGain; Gridification; Java; Policies; Satin},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
A novel mechanism for gridification of compiled java applications
Exploiting Grids intuitively requires developers to alter their applications, which calls for expertise on Grid programming. Gridification tools address this problem by semi-automatically making user applications to be Grid-aware. However, most of these tools produce monolithic Grid applications in which common tuning mechanisms (e.g. parallelism) are not applicable, and do not reuse existing Grid middleware services. We propose BYG (BYtecode Gridifier), a gridification tool that relies on novel bytecode rewriting techniques to parallelize and easily execute existing applications via Grid middlewares. Experiments performed by using several computing intensive applications on a cluster and a simulated wide-area Grid suggest that our techniques are effective while staying competitive compared to programmatically using such services for gridifying applications.
@article{Mateos20111259,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Trachsel, R. and Campo, M.},title={A novel mechanism for gridification of compiled java applications},journal={Computing and Informatics},year={2011},volume={30},number={6},pages={1259-1285},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN - UNICEN, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={Grid computing; Grid middlewares; Gridification; Java bytecode; Parallelism; Resource-intensive applications; Satin},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Combining query-by-example and query expansion for simplifying web service discovery
@article{Crasso2011407,author={Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Combining query-by-example and query expansion for simplifying web service discovery},journal={Information Systems Frontiers},year={2011},volume={13},number={3},pages={407-428},doi={10.1007/s10796-009-9221-9},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, Universidad Nacional Del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA), Campus Universitario, Buenos Aires Tandil (B7001BBO), Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Query expansion; Service oriented computing; Web Service discovery},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
SWAM: A logic-based mobile agent programming language for the Semantic Web
@article{Crasso20111723,author={Crasso, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={SWAM: A logic-based mobile agent programming language for the Semantic Web},journal={Expert Systems with Applications},year={2011},volume={38},number={3},pages={1723-1737},doi={10.1016/j.eswa.2010.07.098},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={Logic programming; Mobile agents; Ontologies; Semantic Web; Web services},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Research review: A survey of approaches to Web Service discovery in service-oriented architectures
@article{Crasso2011102,author={Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Research review: A survey of approaches to Web Service discovery in service-oriented architectures},journal={Journal of Database Management},year={2011},volume={22},number={1},pages={102-132},doi={10.4018/jdm.2011010105},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN - UNICEN, Argentina},author_keywords={Service discovery; Service-oriented architecture; Service-oriented computing; Web service discovery; Web Service technology},document_type={Review},source={Scopus}}
Introducing mobile devices into Grid systems: A survey
@article{Rodriguez20111,author={Rodriguez, J.M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Introducing mobile devices into Grid systems: A survey},journal={International Journal of Web and Grid Services},year={2011},volume={7},number={1},pages={1-40},doi={10.1504/IJWGS.2011.038386},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, Universidad Nacional Del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN), Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Grid systems; Mobile devices; Mobile Grid; Mobile Grid survey},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Detecting WSDL bad practices in code-first Web Services
@article{Mateos2011357,author={Mateos, C. and Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Coscia, J.L.O.},title={Detecting WSDL bad practices in code-first Web Services},journal={International Journal of Web and Grid Services},year={2011},volume={7},number={4},pages={357-387},doi={10.1504/IJWGS.2011.044710},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; UNICEN University, Argentina},author_keywords={Code-first; Early detection; Object-oriented metrics; Service-Oriented Computing; SoC; Web service discovery; Web services; WSDL anti-patterns; WSDL specification},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
A software tool for semi-automatic gridification of resource-intensive Java bytecodes and its application to ray tracing and sequence alignment
@article{Mateos2011172,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Hirsch, M. and Fernández, M. and Campo, M.},title={A software tool for semi-automatic gridification of resource-intensive Java bytecodes and its application to ray tracing and sequence alignment},journal={Advances in Engineering Software},year={2011},volume={42},number={4},pages={172-186},doi={10.1016/j.advengsoft.2011.02.003},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, Campus Universitario, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; UNICEN University, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Automatic parallelism; Computational grids; Gridification; Java bytecode; Parallelization heuristics; Resource-intensive applications},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Testing-based selection method for integrability on service-oriented applications
@inproceedings{Flores2010373,author={Flores, A. and Cechich, A. and Zunino, A. and Usaola, M.P.},title={Testing-based selection method for integrability on service-oriented applications},booktitle={Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, ICSEA},year={2010},pages={373-379},doi={10.1109/ICSEA.2010.63},art_number={5614944},url={},affiliation={GIISCo Research Group, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Neuquen, Argentina; ISISTAN Research Institute, CONICET, UNICEN, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Alarcos Research Group, Escuela Superior de Informática, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain},author_keywords={Component-based systems; Service-oriented computing; Software testing; Web services},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Improving Web service descriptions for effective service discovery
@article{Rodriguez20101001,author={Rodriguez, J.M. and Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Improving Web service descriptions for effective service discovery},journal={Science of Computer Programming},year={2010},volume={75},number={11},pages={1001-1021},doi={10.1016/j.scico.2010.01.002},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, Universidad Nacional Del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN), Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={Web Service discoverability anti-patterns; Web Service discovery; Web Service publication; Web Services},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Combining document classification and ontology alignment for semantically enriching web services
@article{Crasso2010371,author={Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Combining document classification and ontology alignment for semantically enriching web services},journal={New Generation Computing},year={2010},volume={28},number={4},pages={371-403},doi={10.1007/s00354-009-0094-8},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Tandil (B7001BBO) Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Document Classification; Ontology Alignment; Semantic Web Services},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
An approach for non-intrusively adding malleable fork/join parallelism into ordinary JavaBean compliant applications
@article{Mateos2010288,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={An approach for non-intrusively adding malleable fork/join parallelism into ordinary JavaBean compliant applications},journal={Computer Languages, Systems and Structures},year={2010},volume={36},number={3},pages={288-315},doi={10.1016/},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil, B7001BBO Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Fork-join parallelism; Implicit parallelism; Java; Non-invasive tuning; Parallel computing},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
@article{Crasso201048,author={Crasso, M. and Rodriguez, J.M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Revising WSDL documents: Why and how},journal={IEEE Internet Computing},year={2010},volume={14},number={5},pages={48-56},doi={10.1109/MIC.2010.81},art_number={5467007},url={},affiliation={Universidad Nacional de Centro de la Provincia, Buenos Aire, Argentina},author_keywords={services discovery process and methodology; Web Services Description Language; Web services modeling; Web services publishing; WSDL},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Separation of concerns in service-oriented applications based on pervasive design patterns
@inproceedings{Mateos2010849,author={Mateos, C. and Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Separation of concerns in service-oriented applications based on pervasive design patterns},booktitle={Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing},year={2010},pages={849-853},doi={10.1145/1774088.1774263},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute - CONICET, UNICEN, Tandil, Argentina},author_keywords={contract-last service consumption; dependency injection; separation of concerns; service-oriented computing; web services},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
On the evaluation of gridification effort and runtime aspects of JGRIM applications
@article{Mateos2010797,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={On the evaluation of gridification effort and runtime aspects of JGRIM applications},journal={Future Generation Computer Systems},year={2010},volume={26},number={6},pages={797-819},doi={10.1016/j.future.2010.02.014},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil, B7001BBO Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={Dependency injection; Grid computing; Grid services; Gridification; JGRIM},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
m-JGRIM: A novel middleware for Gridifying Java applications into mobile Grid services
@article{Mateos2010331,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={m-JGRIM: A novel middleware for Gridifying Java applications into mobile Grid services},journal={Software - Practice and Experience},year={2010},volume={40},number={4},pages={331-362},doi={10.1002/spe.961},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute - UNICEN, Campus Universitario, Tandil B7001BBO, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas (CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Dependency injection; Grid computing; Grid middlewares; Gridification; Java; JGRIM; Mobile grid services (MGS)},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Empirically assessing the impact of dependency injection on the development of web service applications
@article{Crasso201066,author={Crasso, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Empirically assessing the impact of dependency injection on the development of web service applications},journal={Journal of Web Engineering},year={2010},volume={9},number={1},pages={66-94},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, Universidad Nacional del Centro, CONICET, Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Code-first outsourcing; Dependency injection; Service-oriented computing; Text mining; Web Services},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
An approach to assist developers to annotate web services with ontologies
@incollection{Crasso2010195,author={Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={An approach to assist developers to annotate web services with ontologies},booktitle={Semantic Web: Standards, Tools and Ontologies},year={2010},pages={195-230},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN), Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, 66100, Argentina},document_type={Book Chapter},source={Scopus}}
Automatically detecting opportunities for web service descriptions improvement
@article{Rodriguez2010139,author={Rodriguez, J.M. and Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Automatically detecting opportunities for web service descriptions improvement},journal={IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology},year={2010},volume={341 AICT},pages={139-150},doi={10.1007/978-3-642-16283-1_18},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, Universidad Nacional Del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN), Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={Web Service discoverability anti-patterns; Web Service modeling},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
The EasySOC project: A rich catalog of best practices for developing web service applications
@inproceedings{Rodriguez201033,author={Rodriguez, J.M. and Crasso, M. and Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={The EasySOC project: A rich catalog of best practices for developing web service applications},booktitle={Proceedings - International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, SCCC},year={2010},pages={33-42},doi={10.1109/SCCC.2010.12},art_number={5750492},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas Y Técnicas (CONICET), Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Service-Oriented Computing; Service-oriented development guidelines; Web Service consumption; Web Service discovery; Web Services; WSDL anti-patterns},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
JEETuningExpert: A software assistant for improving Java Enterprise Edition application performance
@article{Crasso200911718,author={Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Moreno, L. and Campo, M.},title={JEETuningExpert: A software assistant for improving Java Enterprise Edition application performance},journal={Expert Systems with Applications},year={2009},volume={36},number={9},pages={11718-11729},doi={10.1016/j.eswa.2009.04.024},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil, B7001BBO Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Expert systems; Intelligent systems; Java enterprise applications; Performance anti-patterns; Performance tuning},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Chronos: A multi-agent system for distributed automatic meeting scheduling
@article{Zunino20097011,author={Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Chronos: A multi-agent system for distributed automatic meeting scheduling},journal={Expert Systems with Applications},year={2009},volume={36},number={3 PART 2},pages={7011-7018},doi={10.1016/j.eswa.2008.08.024},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil, B7001BBO Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Intelligent agents; Meeting scheduling; Multi-agent systems},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
@article{Mateos200952,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Grid-Enabling applications with JGRIM},journal={International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing},year={2009},volume={1},number={3},pages={52-72},doi={10.4018/jghpc.2009070104},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN - UNCPBA, Argentina},author_keywords={Dependency injection; Grid computing; Grid programmingmodels; Grid resources; Gridification; JGRIM},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
BYG: An approach to just-in-time gridification of conventional java applications
@article{Mateos2009232,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M. and Trachsel, R.},title={BYG: An approach to just-in-time gridification of conventional java applications},journal={Advances in Parallel Computing},year={2009},volume={17},pages={232-260},doi={10.3233/978-1-60750-004-9-232},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute - UNICEN, Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Técnicas), Argentina},author_keywords={Grid computing; Grid middlewares; gridification; Java bytecode; just-in-time computing; legacy programs},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
A peer-to-peer communication infrastructure for groupware applications
P. Gotthelf, A. Zunino, and M. Campo
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, Sep 2008
@article{Gotthelf2008523,author={Gotthelf, P. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={A peer-to-peer communication infrastructure for groupware applications},journal={International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems},year={2008},volume={17},number={4},pages={523-554},doi={10.1142/S0218843008001920},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)},author_keywords={Application level multicast; Groupware; Overlay networks; P2P},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Web services have acquired enormous popularity among software developers and researchers due to the increasing levels of flexibility required by current distributed applications. However, service search facilities are still rather difficult to use. This paper presents WSQBE, a search method that aims at assisting service discoverers by generating a short list of candidate services and easing query specification. In contrast with previous approaches, WSQBE discovery process is based on a novel search space reduction mechanism. Experimental evaluations of our approach are also reported. Copyright 2008 ACM.
@inproceedings{Crasso20082376,author={Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Query by example for web services},booktitle={Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing},year={2008},pages={2376-2380},doi={10.1145/1363686.1364251},url={},affiliation={CONICET and ISISTAN Research Institute, Fac. Cs. Exactas, Campus Universitario, Paraje Arroyo Seco, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Distributed systems; Information filtering; Information retrieval; Query-by-example; Web service discovery; Web services},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
GMAC: An overlay multicast network for mobile agent platforms
@article{Gotthelf20081081,author={Gotthelf, P. and Zunino, A. and Mateos, C. and Campo, M.},title={GMAC: An overlay multicast network for mobile agent platforms},journal={Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing},year={2008},volume={68},number={8},pages={1081-1096},doi={10.1016/j.jpdc.2008.04.002},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={Computer networks; Mobile software agents; Multicast networks; Overlay networks; P2P},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
@article{Mateos2008523,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={A survey on approaches to gridification},journal={Software - Practice and Experience},year={2008},volume={38},number={5},pages={523-556},doi={10.1002/spe.847},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN, Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Conseja Nacional de Investigaciones Científias y Técnias (CONICET), Argentina},author_keywords={Grid computing; Grid development; Gridification tools},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Easy web service discovery: A query-by-example approach
@article{Crasso2008144,author={Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Easy web service discovery: A query-by-example approach},journal={Science of Computer Programming},year={2008},volume={71},number={2},pages={144-164},doi={10.1016/j.scico.2008.02.002},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil, B7001BBO Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Distributed systems; Information filtering; Information retrieval; Query-by-example; Web service discovery; Web services},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
JGRIM: An approach for easy gridification of applications
@article{Mateos200899,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={JGRIM: An approach for easy gridification of applications},journal={Future Generation Computer Systems},year={2008},volume={24},number={2},pages={99-118},doi={10.1016/j.future.2007.04.011},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute - UNICEN, Campus Universitario, Tandil, B7001BBO Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Dependency injection; Grid computing; Gridification; Mobile agents; Service-oriented grids},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
AWSC: An approach to Web service classification based on machine learning techniques
@article{Crasso200825,author={Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={AWSC: An approach to Web service classification based on machine learning techniques},journal={Inteligencia Artificial},year={2008},volume={12},number={37},pages={25-36},doi={10.4114/ia.v12i37.955},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Machine learning; Text classification; Web services},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
@incollection{Mateos200798,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Mobile agents meet web services},booktitle={Modern Technologies in Web Services Research},year={2007},pages={98-121},doi={10.4018/978-1-59904-280-0.ch006},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN, UNICEN-CONICET, Tandil, Argentina},document_type={Book Chapter},chapter={6},source={Scopus}}
@article{Mateos200711,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Extending movilog for supporting Web services},journal={Computer Languages, Systems and Structures},year={2007},volume={33},number={1},pages={11-31},doi={10.1016/},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute. UNICEN University, UNCPBA, Campus Universitario, Tandil, B7001BBO Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Intelligent agents; Logic programming; Mobile agents; Web services},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
A decentralized middleware for groupware applications
P. Gotthelf, A. Zunino, and M. Campo
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Sep 2007
@article{Gotthelf2007191,author={Gotthelf, P. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={A decentralized middleware for groupware applications},journal={Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)},year={2007},volume={4715 LNCS},pages={191-206},doi={10.1007/978-3-540-74812-0_15},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil (B7001BBO), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Conicet},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Adding semantic web services matching and discovery support to the moviLog platform
@article{Mateos200651,author={Mateos, C. and Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Adding semantic web services matching and discovery support to the moviLog platform},journal={IFIP International Federation for Information Processing},year={2006},volume={217},pages={51-60},doi={10.1007/978-0-387-34747-9_6},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, Facultad de Cs. Exactas, UNICEN, Campus Universitario, Paraje Arroyo Seco - Bs. As., Argentina},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Supporting ontology-based semantic matching of web services in movilog
@article{Mateos2006390,author={Mateos, C. and Crasso, M. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Supporting ontology-based semantic matching of web services in movilog},journal={Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)},year={2006},volume={4140 LNAI},pages={390-399},doi={10.1007/11874850_43},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, (B7001BBO) Tandil, Bs. As., Argentina},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
Reactive mobility by failure: When fail means move
@article{Zunino2005141,author={Zunino, A. and Campo, M. and Mateos, C.},title={Reactive mobility by failure: When fail means move},journal={Information Systems Frontiers},year={2005},volume={7},number={2 SPEC. ISS.},pages={141-154},doi={10.1007/s10796-005-1475-2},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario (B7001BBO), Tandil, Bs. As., Argentina; National Council for Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina (CONICET), Argentina; Council for Scientific Research of Buenos Aires, Argentina (CIC), Argentina; Department of the VI Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (ASAI), Argentina; Computer Science Department; ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN, Argentina},author_keywords={Intelligent agents; Logic programming; Mobile agents; Mobility},document_type={Review},source={Scopus}}
JavaLog: A framework-based integration of Java and Prolog for agent-oriented programming
A. Amandi, M. Campo, and A. Zunino
Computer Languages, Systems and Structures, Sep 2005
@article{Amandi200517,author={Amandi, A. and Campo, M. and Zunino, A.},title={JavaLog: A framework-based integration of Java and Prolog for agent-oriented programming},journal={Computer Languages, Systems and Structures},year={2005},volume={31},number={1},pages={17-33},doi={10.1016/},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Paraje Arroyo Seco, Tandil (7000), Buenos Aires, Argentina},author_keywords={Agent-oriented programming; Intelligent agents; Logic programming; Multi-paradigm languages; Object-oriented frameworks; Object-oriented programming},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
Integrating intelligent mobile agents with Web services
@article{Mateos200585,author={Mateos, C. and Zunino, A. and Campo, M.},title={Integrating intelligent mobile agents with Web services},journal={International Journal of Web Services Research},year={2005},volume={2},number={2},pages={85-103},doi={10.4018/jwsr.2005040105},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN-UNCPBA-CIC, Argentina; ISISTAN-UNCPBA-CONICET, Argentina},author_keywords={Logic programming; Mobile agents; Web applications; Web services},document_type={Article},source={Scopus}}
MoviLog: A Platform for Prolog-Based Strong Mobile Agents on the
@article{DBLP:journals/aepia/ZuninoCM03,author={Zunino, Alejandro and Campo, Marcelo and Mateos, Cristian},title={MoviLog: {A} Platform for Prolog-Based Strong Mobile Agents on the
{WWW}},journal={Inteligencia Artificial},volume={7},number={21},pages={83--92},year={2003},url={\%20\%281\%29.pdf},timestamp={Mon, 02 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0100},biburl={},bibsource={dblp computer science bibliography,}}
Simplifying mobile agent development through reactive mobility by failure
@article{Zunino2002163,author={Zunino, A. and Campo, M. and Mateos, C.},title={Simplifying mobile agent development through reactive mobility by failure},journal={Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)},year={2002},volume={2507},pages={163-174},doi={10.1007/3-540-36127-8_16},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute - UNICEN University, Campus Universitario, Tandil, Bs. As B7001BBO, Argentina},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}
JavaLog: Un Lenguaje para la Programacion de Agentes
@article{DBLP:journals/aepia/ZuninoBA01,author={Zunino, Alejandro and Berd{\'{u}}n, Luis and Amandi, Anal{\'{\i}}a},title={JavaLog: Un Lenguaje para la Programacion de Agentes},journal={Inteligencia Artificial},volume={5},number={13},pages={94--99},year={2001},url={\%20\%281\%29.pdf},timestamp={Mon, 02 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0100},biburl={},bibsource={dblp computer science bibliography,}}
Multi-paradigm languages supporting multi-agent development
A. Amandi, A. Zunino, and R. Iturregui
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Sep 1999
@article{Amandi1999128,author={Amandi, A. and Zunino, A. and Iturregui, R.},title={Multi-paradigm languages supporting multi-agent development},journal={Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)},year={1999},volume={1647},pages={128-139},doi={10.1007/3-540-48437-X_11},url={},affiliation={ISISTAN Research Institute, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Pcia, 7000, de Buenos Aires Campus Paraje Arroyo Seco, Tandil - Bs. As, Argentina},document_type={Conference Paper},source={Scopus}}