Postgraduate Course: Intelligent Agents on the Internet (4 credits)
Universidad Nacional del Centro, Tandil
Professor: Dra. Daniela Godoy - UNICEN
Date: October 2007
Postgraduate Course: Knowledge Management (4 credits)
Universidad Nacional del Centro, Tandil
Professor: Dra. Analía Amandi - UNICEN
Date: 2nd semester 2007
Postgraduate Course: Knowledge Discovery from Data (4 credits)
Universidad Nacional del Centro, Tandil
Professor: Dra. Silvia Schiaffino
Date: August 2007
Postgraduate Course: Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction (4 credits)
Universidad Nacional del Centro, Tandil
Professor: Dra. Analía Silvia Schiaffino, UNICEN
Date: October-November 2007
Postgraduate Course: Introduction to Planning Algorithms (4 credits)
Universidad Nacional del Centro, Tandil
Professor: Mg Luis Berdun, UNICEN
Date: 2nd semester 2007