PhD. Analía Adriana Amandi - Presentation
Welcome to my home page. Here, you will find information
about my research interests and my current activities.
Personal Information
Doctor in Computer Science, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, 1997.
Research Activities
Professor of the Computer Science Department and Researcher
Research Institute at Exact
Sciences Faculty of the UNICEN.
Coordinator of the Interest Group in Artificial Intelligence.
This group is part of SADIO,
the Argentine Society for Informatics and Operations Research.
Director of the Intelligent Agents Group at ISISTAN
Research Institute.
Research Interests
Intelligent agents, particularly interface agents. Knowledge
Postgraduate students
- Mg. Luis
Berdún (with CONICET fellowship) working on project
- Eng.
Marcelo Armentano (with CONICET fellowship) working
on software architectures for interface agents
- Eng. Victoria Eyharabide (with CONICET fellowship)
- Lic. Ariel Monteserín (with PICT Project fellowship)
working on agent negotiation
- Eng. Virginia Yannibelli (with PAV Project fellowship)
- Eng. Jorge Villaverde (with PAV Project fellowship)
- Eng. Agustín Persson (with CONICET fellowship)
Old students
- Mg. Henri Avancini - his master thesis was on agent composition
- Dra. Daniela
Godoy - her master thesis was about the PersonalSearcher
agent; her PhD thesis was about user profiling algorithms
for information agents
- Mg. Luis
Berdún - his master thesis was about planning
algorithms for interface agents
- Dra. Silvia
Schiaffino - her master thesis was about the QueryGuesser
agent and her PhD thesis was about user-agent interaction
- Dr. Alejandro
Zunino - his master thesis was on agent architectures
Contact Information
Teléfono Laboral: +54 (2293) 440363 int. 28
Fax: +54 (2293) 440363 int. 52
Dirección Postal:
Instituto de Investigación ISISTAN
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Pcia. de Buenos
Campus Universitario
Paraje Arroyo Seco, ( B7001BBO ) Tandil, Bs. As.