Call for Papers

WER'04 invites submissions of high quality papers describing novel research and/or experiences in the field of Requirements Engineering.

Papers presenting original results on both research as well as industrial viewpoints on all aspects of Requirements Engineering are welcome.

Topics of interest include:

* Requirements elicitation
* Reverse engineering
* Re-engineering
* Information sources analysis
* Requirements modeling
* Requirements reuse
* Domain modeling
* Non-functional requirements
* Requirements quality
* Specification languages
* Ambiguity in requirements specification
* Multiple viewpoints
* Inconsistency management
* Requirements execution
* Requirements management
* Requirements interaction management
* Requirements traceability
* Requirements for the agent-oriented paradigm
* RE case studies and experiences
* Cognitive, social, political and cultural factors in RE
* Teaching RE

The topics indicated are not restrictive, on the contrary they are listed as a guide for the reader.

The articles will be reviewed and selected based on their originality, significance and soundness.

Articles should be submitted through e-mail to, using Word, RTF or PDF format. The papers must not exceed 12 pages including figures, authors information, abstract, and bibliography. Printing area must be 122 mm x 193 mm and 11-point Times is recommended for main text.

Papers may be in English, Portuguese or Spanish. During the workshop, it is strongly recommended the use of English for presentation graphic materials. Participants should be prepared to discuss their papers in English.

The best contributions to WER'04 will be included in a special issue on Requirements Engineering of the Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCS&T). More information about this journal can be found at:

Language for the journal is English. Since an important part of the selection of articles for the Journal will take place in Tandil, concurrently with workshop sessions, if your contribution to WER is written in Spanish or Portuguese, the English version must be available in our mailbox by December 3rd, to be considered for the journal.