Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica
Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica

Escuela de Posgrado
Red ProTIC

Tandil, del 18 al 28 de Abril de 2006

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Software Architecture: Past, Present, and Future

Profesor: Dr. David Garlan Home Page
Idioma de la conferencia: Inglés
Fecha: Lunes 24 de Abril de 2006
Hora: 19.30 horas.
Lugar de realización: Campus Universitario - Aulas Comunes II - SUM
Resumen: Over the past decade software architecture has received increasing attention as an important subfield of software engineering. During that time there has been considerable progress in developing the technological and methodological base for treating architectural design as an engineering discipline. However, much remains to be done to achieve that goal. Moreover, the changing face of technology raises a number of new challenges for software architecture. This talk examines some of the important developments in software architecture in both research and practice, and speculates on the important emerging trends, challenges, and problems.