Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica
Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica

Escuela de Posgrado
Red ProTIC

Tandil, del 18 al 28 de Abril de 2006

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Open source and software product business:
Unholy alliance or the next generation of innovation?

Profesor: Dr. Tommi Mikkonen Home Page
Idioma de la conferencia: Inglés
Fecha: Jueves 20 de Abril de 2006
Hora: 19.30 horas.
Lugar de realización: Campus Universitario - Aulas Comunes II - SUM

In many contexts, Open Source (OS) is considered as an excellent opportunity on top of which it is easy to build new software systems. Moreover, it is common that companies use OS tools to create their commercial software, and even use OS COTS as parts of their products. However, in some cases, problems related to open source have been pointed out. Large software companies can face what they call "unfair competition" from communities. Furthermore, e.g. legal aspects of OS COTS can bear effect on what can be implemented and what not. In this talk, the focus is on balancing the different perspectives of OS software and its use in different contexts.